Production Blog
So far Milana and I are almost halfway done! Over the three-day weekend, there was great progress made. The first couple of scenes were filmed. It was difficult to meet up but on Saturday Milana and I met up at a local park. The first couple of scenes were filmed here. Thankfully the next time we meet to film, we have some methods of improvement. The first main one is to get extra help when filming. Since it was just Milana and I, it was really difficult trying to get the scenes when both characters were in. It was manageable because there were ways to prop the phone up and film, but it would often fall. I was thinking of asking a friend to help.
Another important thing is to check the weather. It sounds obvious but it totally slipped my mind. After about 30 minutes it did start to rain a bit. It made it hard to film since we were just using an iPhone camera. This won't be a problem for next time since it will be filmed indoors, But we will be filming outside afterward so it is something to keep in mind. Also, one improvement for next time is to add the editing features. This was something that was done at the end, that should have been done in the beginning when Milana and I were editing. If there was a transition or effect that could have been added, it could have intentionally been filmed that way. One thing that did help was having the storyboard completed, at least for the scenes that were filming. Having everything planned out made it so much easier and stress-free. Even though it is not an assignment, I might complete the storyboard for the ending because it was that helpful.
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