Other Info
Below are the details of our location, participants, health and schedule in regards to filming.
The first location we will be filming in is someone's house. Since we need somewhere to park the car we will be using later, we will film this bit at Alexandra's house. We decided on this location by first discussing the distances all of our group members live from the school. Three out of four of us live far from the school but all in opposite directions. Alexandra, who lives closest to the school, had the primary location for filming. After checking that she would be able to film at her house and is comfortable with this, we decided on this location.
The next location we will be filming at is a gas station near Alexandra's house. Since we will be in areas she is familiar with, she will show us the nearest gas station to her house.
The final location we will need to film in is a park. To give the film an adventurous road trip feeling, we need nature to surround us. In an attempt to amplify the eerie feeling, we will try to find somewhere densely wooded.
Since the film is about a road trip, we need to film in someone's car. Since the car itself is not an exact location, it will be parked at varying locations.
The participants in the film are our group. We will not need extra actors since there are already four of us. The group includes Alexandra, Sasha, Milana and Sarah.
Health and safety are a critical part of our film process. Since our film is about a road trip, there are associated risks with this. We need to prioritize the focus of the driver during the filming process. If there are any scenes where it is necessary for the car to be in motion, we will minimize the dialogue the driver has so that they can focus as much as possible on the road. In addition, everyone will be buckled in during the filming so no undue risk is taken. To avoid sickness spreading, everyone in the group will inform the group chat if they come down with any illness. Since we will be in confined spaces together, it is better if we do not film if any member of the group is sick.
The exact filming date is still up for debate as we need to finish all of our planning. Having multiple members in the group, we also need to consider everyone's schedule, especially around spring break. However we do have a rough idea of how filming will go. First, everyone will arrive to Alexandra's house. We will head from there to the gas station to film our first scenes. Leaving the gas station, we will go to the park to film our scenes there. Next, we will head back to Alexandra's house where we will have a break and film the scenes inside the house. Finally, we will film any extra scenes around the outside of the house if it is necessary.
The reason we will film last at Alexandra's house is so that we can text our parents to pick us up. We will already be there so if they arrive early they will not be awkwardly lingering while we are out and about filming.
Back-up Plan:
If the locations mentioned are not available we will use one of the following instead:
-If the gas station is unavailable we will find another one nearby
-If the park does not have enough space or greenery, we will find another area close by, perhaps not a park but a road with lots of trees
-If Alexandra's house is not available, we will move it to another one of the group member's houses
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