Production Blog
I have reached the point where I have finally reached the last stages of my commercial production! I finished all of the photo inserting, I just have to put my video in. I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to place the video. I thought maybe in the beginning I thought that if I put it in the middle. I think it would have a good flow like that. After trying it both ways I decided that it was better in the middle.
Now since I was done with basically all the production parts, I wanted to see if I could add some transitions and modify the sound a little. The transitions we interesting to test out and I was considering putting some in my commercial. I thought the nice fade one would add a cool effect. As for the sound I wanted to add something to it. I tried to see if there was a way to gradually lower the sound in the beginning and in the end. I thought that this would give it a nice vibe and structure it better. It was a bit tricky to change the volume in the sound for just a couple parts but I was able to do it. The last thing that I wanted to do was fix the lighting of the photos. When I had all my photos in, I noticed that some didn't have the best lighting. So I would have to replace the photos with ones with better lighting. Even though they were already in the commercial template, I thought it would be worth it and my commercial would look better. I had to send the photos on my phone and used the built-in editing feature on iPhones. I turned up the brightness and fished the saturation. After fixing the photos, I sent them back to my computer to finish the last thing. I am so relieved that I have finished this commercial and I can't wait for you guys to see it!!!
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